To better help my drawing students, I found a little time between two terms to create time-lapse videos: one learns better with a demonstration! But I have no ambition to become a YouTuber. And I haven’t bothered to put on a voiceover to explain it all: I’m not installed for sound recording (the result would…
Arts and Lettres… and Films! So far, I’ve put a lot of emphasis on my artistic side on this site. Yet writing has a big place too, to the point that I have a hard time determining which of the two, visual art and writing, is more important to me. Both are equally important; two…
Let’s only address the animated series Avatar, Last Airbender (2005-2008), and its sequel, Legend of Korra (2012-2014), created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. These series have left their mark with the complexity of their characters and story arcs. They went beyond the youth audience they were meant for, to capture an adult audience’s…
Let’s talk about IMPOSTOR SYNDROME! And to do so, I would like to draw a parallel with the DUNNING-KRUGER EFFECT, which for me goes so well with the impostor syndrome, and yet is rarely mentioned in these terms. Impostor Syndrome The term “impostor syndrome” has existed in psychology since 1978 and describes the state of…
A difficult exercice it was and for a long time. After taking the time to reflect, to agonize too, I realized that my two sides, the visual artist and the autor and creator of imaginary worlds, were fighting to be heard. So here the second panel. (To see the other Influence Map – Visual &…
This exercise was asked of me. I can’t explain it, but it was incredibly hard for me to do. Yet it’s an important element for the artistic approach and it’s part of « know and recognize yourself » chapter… So there, I took the time to reflect, to agonize too, and bring up this board…