Portrait of Joël Champeter
Artistic Approach
This portrait was made for the « Prix Hommage visionnaire», an award that honors the overall career of a French-Canadian author in imaginary literature. Joel (November 30th 1957 — May 30th 2015) was a quebecer’s writter of science-fiction, fantasy and fantastic; he also was editor-in-chief and literary director at Revue Solaris (litterature magazine), where he mentored many emerging writers. I had the chance to know Joel during his lifetime; it was an honor for me to make his portrait for this award.
Additional Informations
Signed as of: April 27th, 2017
Category: DL5 – Digital, limited series, medium artwork
Project type: Commissioned
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Format: 3600 x 5400 pixels
Click to enlarge